Friday, May 24, 2013

Throwback Thursday!

So I did my blog yesterday and forgot to hit publish lol.


Throw back Thursday! Here are some pics from the past. I get sad some times looking at all the pictures from when Lucas was younger! But I love looking at them and remembering how much fun we had!

Here is Lucas when we were potty training him. He was just waking up from his nap. He was 2 here.
Daddy and Lucas putting in my flower bed. He was so cute wanting to help! I need to send this to his dad lol
We had family pictures done for his 2 yr pictures at JCP. Here is one of Lucas and I. I love is picture. Looks weird seeing me in glasses!
Lucas's one year pictures. Is is my absolute favorite!
Mandy and I 5 years ago at her Halloween party. She was a French maid and I was a candy nurse! Wow we look different. We both are skinnier now!
Lucas and Lex playing Horse the first fall Lee and I were together. Back in 2009


Friday, May 17, 2013

Happy this week

I got the idea from my favorite former teachers. I follow her blog and she does Happy this week every week. She writes all the different things that made her happy during the week. She has the most incredible stories. I just love reading what she has to say! So I figured I'd start!

This week was a really good week.

I had a fantastic Mother's Day!!! Although I had to work. (What else is new!) when I came home Lee and a Lucas really made my day! They really showed how much they appreciated me! I walked downstairs to get ready for work and Lee had a bouquet of daisies in a vase on the breakfast bar. When I came home he had 3 small gift bags with cards around the vase of flowers. So I opened up all my cards (4) lol then Lucas handed me one bag which was a bead for his birthstone for my bracelet. Then there was one for Lexi's, the last bag had a best mom charm (Lucas picked out by himself) and the Lions charm I had been wanting. So then my phone rings and I go to answer it and there was a sweet ass Detroit Lions case!.. Then Lee had a towel covering the stepping stones they made me so I couldn't tell what they were. They turned out amazing!!!! Best I've seen yet! Lucas made me a question book about mom in school. The answers are real cute lol, he also made me a flower all made out of his finger print with a poem, and planted a seed in small flower pot. They spoiled me! Then we did ice cream and ordered pizza. I wanted to stay in, all I do is work so being home was just what I wanted!


We also got all dressed up he was in a tie! Haha and I was in one of my favorite dresses I recently bought. And we went to his buddy's wedding.

Thursday it was gorgeous out! So we took the kids out for Mexican and ate on the patio. We all had a good time smashing on great food and goofing off. I needed that. I don't get that often anymore!

I've had a really good week. I'm getting used to working 7 days a week without a day off. I'm still tired but I think next week I may be FINALLY ready to start unpacking lol. Sad, real sad! Been here a month and Lee has done most of it lol!


Flashback Thursday

Pics from the past


Lee and Lucas our first Halloween together. Lucas was still in diapers.. Omg! I miss this age! Lucas was so grossed out by putting his hand in the pumpkin guts he just sat in my lap and watched lol.
Lucas's Thomas the Train faze. He was so obsessed with Thomas! He had everything Thomas! He was 2 1/2 in this pic. So adorable!

Lucas and his dad. I want my baby back! So tiny and handsome!!... His first year at the Renaissance Festival. That year the queen blessed him, it was so cool! He was only 4 mths here and I just love this picture!!


Friday, May 10, 2013

Oldnavy white jeans review!

I received a coupon in the mail for a pair of Old Navy white jeans for myself and a friend. I was asked by Crowd Tap to review the jeans that I purchased.

I probably wouldn't have purchased a pair if it wasn't for the mission from Crowd Tap. Not that I don't like Old Navy because I so. I but Lot of my clothes there, but because me and white clothes don't seem to see eye to eye lol. I always, I mean ALwAYS seem to attract something onto my white clothes lol. So needless to say I was excited to get a pair!

I love them! I got the Diva bootcut.! Super cute! Love them! They really give my outfit that pop for spring! Today I wore them with light pink old navy flip flops and a light blue and white checkered flannel with a black tank top under. It felt so light weight! And it totally gave me that spring/summer feel! I'm so glad that I got a pair! They are one of my favorite pants now! They are super comfy and light weight . Even if its hot you won't over heat in a pair!

They also aren't super expensive. (Sorry I don't remember the exact price) but definitely reasonable! They have a bunch of different types for different types of bodies! I love that!!

So if your looking to give your wardrobe that extra pop, head on over to Old Navy for a pair of super cute white jeans!



Monday, March 11, 2013

Schick Hydro Silk shaver review !



I was sent the Schick Hydro Silk shaver to try and review. I was so excited when I was asked to join this campaign! I am always buying and trying the new razors!

I liked the razor. I didn't love it. It works really good, My legs are soft and I don't need shaving cream. So yes I like it. But I do not think that it is any different from the other Schick razors. It doesn't seem much different from one of the other razors that Schick released in the passed. When my Bzzkit came I was so excited to try the new Schick Razor. When I opened it, I will admit I was sorta bummed. My first thought was "Didn't I already have this before?" But I wasn't going to let that stop me from keeping a open mind.

It has a a moisture strip above the blades which moisturizers your skin. You don't even need shaving cream! Sharp blades which are a must! It has a suction cup to hold your razor in the shower (which is super nice when there are small hands in the house!), its lightweight and easy to use. The price is average at about $9.99.

So final thought. It's a pretty good razor so far. I don't know how long the blades will last but I've been using it for a few weeks and it still works just as good as when I opened it. I'd recommend it to a friend. Unless they already had a Schick razor then I'd say this isn't probably much of a difference.

-I'm a BzzAgent and the above products I received free.


Thursday, January 17, 2013


I love my husband very much. Like every person I have things that I love about him and then I have things that drive me nuts! And as we were sitting on the couch watching a t.v show he did something that just annoyed the hell out of me and I nicely said how it was annoying lol. So I'm going to write! I have many many things that I love about him. So many I probably won't remember and miss some of the important ones. But I'm clarifying now there are many things that I love about him, and outweigh my pet peeves! :)



Things that drive me nuts!

- We will be watching a tv show and he will turn it to something else during commercial then I get interested in that one and then he turns it back and we missed something in what we were originally watching!


-He freaks out when his nose is plugged or stuffy. Like he will panic and say he can't breathe lol. Open your mouth babe you can breath. And he will sniff non stop and blow hard in and out. Then I have to tell him if he's going to continue he needs to do it in the bathroom lol.


- He's like OCD to some point. He will walk by our desk pick up papers and move them to another spot. He's always moving things and loses them. I know where I sit or put something then he will move it somewhere else. Just because he needs to do something.


- Everytime we get into the car, (I usually drive when we take my car) as I'm driving away from the house, he opens up the visor and looks in the mirror at his goatee and/or his hair wether hyenas a hat on or not. Lol he's worse than a girl!


- When we go somewhere its all about the food. He can walk into someone's house and if there's food out he will say something about it or eat it lol. As much as he loves food you would think he would be on those shows for how big someone is and can't move! Lol.


-When we argue he will repeat what I said with a question. And when he does he answers it and twists it around. Drives me nuts! Lol



A few things I love!

- He's always there. Plain and simple. Whenever or for whatever reason I can always count on him. That's means the world to me.


- He never complains. He's always happy and in a good mood. (Yeah total opposite from me, which is why I say we balance each other out lol)


- He will clean up animal crap/vomit, change diapers, clean up any of our puke with no problems at all. I have a weak stomach so if he's home he cleans it up. And he doesn't care. Just does it like its nothing. <3 him so much for that.


- He will take me to any Girly,lovey dovey, chic flick movie I want to see and enjoy it. He says if it makes me excited and happy then he's enjoying himself. :)


-He goes shopping with me and likes it!


-He does housework.



There are many things that I love about him, these are just the uncommon things that my husband does that makes me love him even more! This post wasn't at all in a negative way. Just something quirky that I wrote because he did it right and there lol.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

My favorite Pins!

Everyone all knows and is obsessed with Pintrest! If ou haven't joined Pintrest lately your missing out! It's absolutely addicting! When I first joined Pintrest I was overwhelmed! I started to get the hang of it and used it to my benefit. I wish I could try everything I pin, but we all know we don't lol. I do however use it often! I've used it for recipes, tips on style, holiday ideas, and a bunch of crafts for the kids!



Here are some is some of the fun stuff we have tried!


Chicken pot pies in muffin pans! Oh so yummy!


S'mores! Lucas and I made these for his class!

Layered brownie dessert. OMG the best thing ever!


Count down to Chriatmas with books! Every day Lucas was able to open a book.

Tomato, Fresh Mozzerella, Avacado, olive oil. I'm hooked!

Elf on the Shelf. First day for Red!

Xmas trees made from Popsicle sticks!

Lucas made marshmallow snowmen!

Sugar cone Christmas trees!

Cookie cutter pizzas. These were fun and delicious!



This is only some of the Pins that I have tried. I have made so many meals using Pintrest. I use it daily. Every Sunday when I sit down and make out my grocery list I get on Pintrest and see what new recipes I'd like to try.

There are so many different crafts I have done with the kids as well. I wanted to do all of them for Christ,as but there wasn't enough time to lol. So I have plenty more to try for next year!

If you haven't joined yet you don't know what you are missing. It's totally worth your time!