Sunday, May 17, 2009

Gavin's Dedication

Our nephew Gavin had his dedication today at Cedar Creek church. I never heard of one before. It's not a substitution to baptisim it's just a dedication mainly for the parents. They believe that a baby is not old enough to make that kind of commitment so they wait until they decide that they are ready.

It went well. He looked so cute in his little outfit today! He didn't cry or anything when he was up there with all the other families in front of everyone! I thought it was really cute. The pastor comes to each family and holds the child and says a prayer.

I've always pretty much refused to attend Cedar Creek because I tend to like the smaller churches. I always thought that Cedar Creek was kind of a joke or something. But it turns out I actually really liked it there. There are A LOT of people but it's definately my kind of church. They had a ton of different type of coffee machines and pop machines (all free)fountain. Which isn't why I like it lol. It's just nice because I'm a coffee fanatic! They have an awesome kids care set up. Babies until toddlers are all in different rooms. Like Lucas today was in the room for children age 2. So he was with all kids his age. They had a bunch of different slides and gyms and toys. He had a blast! Also they play Christian rock which is cool because it's not boring. They have a cool band and everything. I wasn't bored with it at all.

Dan doesn't like it very well. Which doesn't suprise me because we don't really like the same type of churches. He likes the more formal traditional services with no bands on stage. Where as I like the non formal churches with bands. I feel if I am going to a church and not really paying attention and am bored out of my mind then what is the point of going if I'm not getting anything out of it. So I think we are going to check out the one on Sylvania and Douglas since it's closer to our house than the Perrysburg church.

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